Monday, March 14, 2011

All you have to do is tell your friends! Not Quite.

You are bound to run across a link, a web page, an ad. Something that tells you that you can make thousands of dollars a day just by telling you friends, and getting people to sign up. It isn't quote that easy though.

There are things like Amway which can be a franchise personal business or a retail product business. Both will make you money, legitimately. Even business models that focus on one product, or a single category, like Avon or Mary Kay. They have something to offer though. Which is where I get into the true topic.

If a website or person over the internet especially, is offering you an income opportunity where you make money purely off of recruiting others and there is no product or service exchanged. That is illegal.

There may be some out there that are legal, that have a good system. But just beware, and do research first.

That is my goal of this blog, educate people on some of the scams about home based business' or jobs and give my advice on budgeting your household, saving money and paying off debt.

I hope this helps someone.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!


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