Monday, March 14, 2011

All you have to do is tell your friends! Not Quite.

You are bound to run across a link, a web page, an ad. Something that tells you that you can make thousands of dollars a day just by telling you friends, and getting people to sign up. It isn't quote that easy though.

There are things like Amway which can be a franchise personal business or a retail product business. Both will make you money, legitimately. Even business models that focus on one product, or a single category, like Avon or Mary Kay. They have something to offer though. Which is where I get into the true topic.

If a website or person over the internet especially, is offering you an income opportunity where you make money purely off of recruiting others and there is no product or service exchanged. That is illegal.

There may be some out there that are legal, that have a good system. But just beware, and do research first.

That is my goal of this blog, educate people on some of the scams about home based business' or jobs and give my advice on budgeting your household, saving money and paying off debt.

I hope this helps someone.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Surveys for Money: The Good the Bad and the Oh My Gosh.

When I first looked into making money online the first thing that struck my eye that I didn't have to pay for was taking surveys for cash. This varies a lot. They come in cash value, point value and gift cards/certificates. One of the big problems that I have realized over the past year of survey taking is that the good sites, namely the ones that pay cash, do not send out surveys all that often. Even if they do, they either are worth a small amount or you don't qualify for.

This brings up the complication of qualification. Unfortunately, survey sites operate on a demographic basis. In other words, where you live, age, sex, number of kids, household size. If you do not match their specified demographic for that survey, or they have already had a lot of users matching your demographic take the survey, you will be denied. That means you make no money.

When you do not qualify for a survey, you usually go through quite a few screens, taking anywhere from 3-5 minutes inputting your base information to be told you do not qualify. Other times, you will go through the entire survey and they have saved the demographic portion for the end of the survey. Then at the end, once you've put in 10-35 minutes of effort, you are slammed with a notice that you did not qualify for that survey.

Most times survey companies will give you a sweepstakes entry when you don't qualify. Though I believe there are so many people entering the sweeps that it isn't likely you'll get anything. So that time you spend is wasted.

When it comes to point systems. You usually get 10-75 points per survey. Those points are usually put toward gift cards/certificates, some instances give you the paypal or pre-paid debit card option. In that case, there is normally 1100 points needed to get 10 dollars. Also, sometimes they will be out of a certain card, so you'll have to wait.

The only survey site I have ever been able to actually cash out on has been Valued Opinions. And during the time when I was saving up my earnings for a debit card, they changed their system. Now, you can pick a Macy's, and other gift cards. I have to admit, I liked having 20 dollars to spend on, but I could have probably used it for more for things like gas or bill payments. Que sera.

That being said. Survey taking can be good if you have a lot of time on your hands and like to shop on or the like but if you are looking for a steady income that can help pay your bills. I really don't think survey taking is going to help. The time invested and the compensation is not equal. But it can be fun.

I will definitely post more on survey sites, especially ones that are nice and that actually work.

Hope this helped someone.

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!


Project PayDay: Real Money or Real Junk?

I like thousands online search for online jobs for one reason or another. Whether it is children, disability or both, people are extremely interested in online jobs or 'telecommuting'. There are no doubt millions of offers out there, surveys, data entry, owning your own business and/or website.

Whether you stumbled over an ad or were directed to it, Project Payday is a very common offer out there. Claiming you can make $800 or more per day with almost no effort.

After much digging and searching around, I have discovered that Project Payday is a program where you sign up for offers. Free trials, test products, so on and so forth. The only problem with programs like this is if you are not a very good record keeper or just rich (but then why do you need it?) you will likely get sucked into a contractual monthly subscription or be saddled with the bill of multiple "free" offers which were actually only trials.

Any money to be made through an offer site like Project Payday is very minimal and as I said, comes with risk.

If you are looking for fast money that will equal more than $5-$10 dollars a month, Project Payday is probably not for you.

I hope this helped someone out there.

Thank you for stopping by today and have a wonderful day!


Work From Home Jobs: Legit? This one is.

I decided my first post here should be about the one thing I have found so far that will legitimately earn you money from home. It's called You become what is called a guide, you can make from $0.02-$0.20 cents per question answered. It is a cell phone service like KGB, only free! It works out great for both customer and guide.

You are considered an independent contractor and after you fill out a tax form you start making money! The amount you are getting paid seems like so little. But working a few hours a day, literally, 3 hours. I was able to earn $64.00 in a couple of weeks to pay a bill we couldn't afford.

You simply log into the ChaCha website and make yourself available to incoming questions. You then answer these questions (in 1 of the 3 guide roles available through ChaCha), sending them to the customer, and you make money. They have a couple different payment options. One direct to you, the other through a bank card of an internet bank. I have done the bank card, don't worry, it's legit.

This isn't something you pay to start, it's not something where you have to market yourself and wait for revenue. You log in, do your work, get paid!

I can't stress enough that ChaCha doesn't pay me to advertise for them, though they do have a referral program. I'm not even going to post my email for referral credit. If someone wants to give me that benefit, I would appreciate it and provide them with my email, but only if they want to, because again. This blog isn't about making money. I spend too much time surfing online look for genuine work from home opportunities so I am happy to share my research with others and save them some time.

Did I digress? Yes, back on track then.

After watching a few videos on how ChaCha works and picking your role you will take a test that could take 24-72 hours to get results. You either pass or fail. Once you're given the go, you start working. ChaCha is something that can give you exactly the money you want. If you need 4 dollars a week for a vice, like I did, you can do that. If you need an extra $200 dollars a month for a bill, you can do that too.

Again, this is something I highly suggest when making money from home, it has fast results and the earning is up to you. More than anything it's free! Unlike every other ad you see that claims free home based jobs only to shove a $79.98 start up/list fee in your face once you're interested.

If you are interested in becoming a ChaCha guide check out:

Thank you for stopping by I hope this helped someone.

Have a fabulous day!


Friday, March 11, 2011

About Me

You might be wondering who I am and why I have the authority or the right to talk to anyone about budgeting their time and money. I am just me. I am a stay at home mother for around 15 months now. I used to be out in the work force but since having my daughter I've decided to stay home. My staying home as you might have guessed means that my family is down to just one income. We just barely made it in a one bedroom apartment with just us, so how did we manage to keep a roof over our heads on one income especially once our daughter was born? That's what I intend to share through this blog.

I am not a millionaire and I don't have a program you must buy for the low low price of $49.95. I just want to share things I've learned about budgeting a household and reviews on money making ventures, whether they be good with a little investment, totally bogus or completely free.

I have no gimmick, I just want to save people a little time and effort when looking for budgeting ideas or how to make money from home.

Best Regards
